Saturday, October 5, 2024

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    Big Brother 25: Backdoor Back Open?

    Finally some action in the house after the unsolicited break we were given last week! As yall should know (just in case you don’t!) Cameron won HoH Thursday after winning the battle back against Jared to reenter the house.

    He decided to put MeMe and Felicia on the block for nominations. Cameron then went on to win the Power of Veto Saturday night.
    Fast forward to Sunday afternoon we hear a lot of talk about Cameron wanting to Backdoor Cory! SHOCKER! Although Cameron has said in the past that he doesn’t feel like he needs to Backdoor anybody, he feels like this is an opportunity he doesn’t want to miss.   Cameron feels like eventually Cory and America will come after him. There’s no reason to keep Cory in the house and sit around and wait on it.
    Cameron has had conversations with Matt, Jag, and Bowie Jane and possibly back dooring Cory. At first they were on the fence about it but as time passes in the house they feel like it could be good for their game.
    Blue has had conversations with Cameron where she explained to him that she feels like Cory and America are using Matt and Jag for numbers. As soon as you’re not valuable to them they’re OK with letting you go. They did it to Cameron, they did it to Jared and they’ll do it to Cameron again.
    Cameron took this conversation as he needs to do whatever he can this week to protect himself next week. There’s no reason to get rid of Felicia because she is not his BIGGEST threat. His biggest threat would be someone who wants to target him and who can also win HoH. That’s Corey.
    Felicia had a short talk with Matt telling him that she could feel that there was a shift happening in the house. She feels like Cory and America are off to themselves more while Matt, Jag, and Cameron have been talking game. She let’s him know that if he kept her in the house she would not come after him later on in the game.
    It seems as if most of the players in the house are on board with backdooring Cory except for Jag. For some reason he has a vendetta against Cirie, Felicia, and MeMe and wants to take them out first. However, Matt is determined to save Felicia and go along with the backdoor plan. Matt feels like they could get Cory this week and Cameron next week when he can’t play. Why wait for next week when you have the opportunity this week? It’s not guaranteed to have the power to make the decisions you want next week. It seems as if Matt is becoming frustrated with going back and forth with Jag (who is supposed to be his final two partner!).
    Over the weekend we saw Felicia and Cirie have some heart to heart talks. Cirie wishes that Felicia would have done more to keep Jared in the house. Felicia tells her that at that time she was still feeling played about Jared and Cirie picking Izzy over her and lying to her face so she voted him out because she felt like he would have voted her out but looking back she feels bad. They agree that they can feel a shift in the house and feel like the guys could possibly go after one another starting this week. They agree to stay together and stay strong to make sure they can make it far in the game.
    Cameron, Jag and Matt have a talk in the HoH room. Cameron is telling Jag that Blue wouldn’t make a move against Cory next week because she wants to stay close with America. Cameron says that going after Cory makes sense because he has his hands in everyone’s pocket like Izzy. Cameron believe that Cory is going to be willing to take the shot against him. Cameron says he wants to take a shot now and not wait for next week. Jag is arguing that Cory will take a shot at Blue. Cameron says why would Cory do that? Cory would not have a reason to target Blue. Cameron goes around the room to Matt and Jag who they plan on putting up next week if they win HoH. Both Matt and Jag say MeMe but are not sure about the the second nominee. Cameron calls them out and state that they don’t even plan on putting him up next week.
    It seems like Cameron is set on backdooring Corey this week. Cameron believes that Cory knows how he’s going to make it to the end of the game. They’re either tools or they don’t matter and they need to get him out now. Since Cameron is not only the veto winner but the HoH for this week I’m pretty sure he’ll get what he wants this week if he has the numbers to Backdoor Cory.  As always expect the unexpected!

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