Big Brother 27: Will The AI Arena Return?
While CBS keeps most things related to BB under wraps, the production team starts planning for the next season at the end of the season that just aired. The show is expected to return to our television screens sometime in July 2025.
Big Brother 27
BB continues to have good ratings for the 18 – 49 demographics.
CBS introduced fans and houseguests to Artificial Intelligence during season 26. Although there were missteps noted by fans with AI’s introduction; the show continued to do well.
Executive producers Rich Meehan and Allison Grodner are working hard to keep Thursday’s Live Eviction interesting and entertaining. Hence the introduction of the AI Arena played out live during Thursday’s show.
How it worked was simple. The HOH nominated 3 people for eviction. These three competed in the arena. The winner was removed from the block guaranteeing their safety for the week, the remaining two faced eviction.
Long-time fans were used to some of the HOH Competitions being played out on the Thursday Live Show. Allison explains that Julie Chen Moonves at times had trouble corralling the houseguests during the time allocated for the competition.
Having the HOH Competition taped later in the night to air on the Sunday episodes the time slot opened up for the introduction of the AI Arena. Rich Meehan stated, “Creatively, we wanted to try to make the live episode more unpredictable, exciting, and entertaining.”
Fans are also wondering if Celebrity Big Brother will have an AI Arena Competition as well. Rumor has it Celebrity BB is to return to our television screen in the winter of 2026. Reindeer Games is also set to return in late 2025.
BB airs on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays during the summer on CBS. It streams on Paramount Plus. Live Feeds can be viewed on Paramount Plus and Pluto TV 24/7.
Photo Credits: YouTube
Quote Excerpts: Entertainment Weekly