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    Punkin Jackson, Exclusive, Talks The Summit and Goals

    Punkin Jackson, Exclusive, talks The Summit and Goals

    Sixteen brave souls took on the challenge to reach The Summit in 14 days, only 3 made it to the summit. The Reality Times had the privilege and honor to talk to one of the winners of The Summit. For those that don’t know, The Summit is a CBS Reality TV show.

    Punkin Jackson

    Punkin Jackson, Exclusive, Talks The Summit and Goals

    Punkin is a Air National Guard Master Sgt. , who played an honest game staying true to herself . We asked her a series of questions as we did Therron Pittman. Here are her answers to our questions.

    We started by asking her what made her challenge herself to do this trek? Jackson responded with “I’ve always been a person who loves competing. Growing up playing sports, I’ll never turn down a competition.”

    “When I saw this come up, although I had no clue it would be climbing a mountain, I thought it would be a great opportunity to push myself to limits I had never done before.”

    We asked what was your proudest moment? Jackson said “I’m not sure if I had just one particular moment that I was most proud of other than reaching the summit. But, I was extremely proud of how I played the game.

    ” I stayed true to who I was as a person, I didn’t allow game play to turn me into someone I wasn’t. Proving that you can be kind, genuine, loving, and just YOURSELF and still win the reality competition games.”

    Punkin Jackson, Exclusive, Talks The Summit and Goals

    ” So many people enter into these games thinking you have to play this persona to win and I’m proof that you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to backstab or be this mean person to win. So, to me that was my proudest moment. “Just showing the world kindness and genuineness on a national level. While still being strategic, smart, and knowing how to navigate the game.”

    As for her most terrifying moment Therron and her shared the same challenge they had to face. “That would definitely be the challenge where we had to backwards zipline off the side of the mountain. I’m terrified of heights and to have to literally just LET GO of a rope. That rope is your life line, and trust that you’re not going to fall was beyond terrifying.”

    Adding ” I never kicked and screamed so much in my life. I was so thankful to have done that obstacle with Pati. Because she definitely did her part in trying to keep me calm. And trust me that was a VERY hard task because what’s calm when your life is flashing before your eyes? lol”

    Punkin Jackson, Exclusive, Talks The Summit and Goals

    As with Therron, Punkin Jackson’s hardest decision revolved around Beckylee. She told us “Without a doubt my hardest decision was when I decided to vote Beckylee out. We had been working together since the very beginning of the game. I felt as though she was someone I could trust and she was someone I absolutely wanted to see at the end with me.”

    ” Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way. I felt as though she wasn’t treating me like an ally; or how I would expect an ally to treat someone they wanted to work with in the game.”

     Exclusive Talks The Summit and Goals

    Punkin talks Feelings And Treatment

    ” When I sat and thought about it, she wasn’t treating me like I was treating her and it truly hurt my feelings. So, in the end I had to make a hard decision that would save my life in the game. Unfortunately that came at the cost of ending hers.”

    As fans are hoping that there will be a season 2 of The Summit, Punkin Jackson gave her insight on how to make it on the show. “You sign up for the show under a pseudonym. We had no clue what the actual name of the show was called and that we would be climbing a summit. ”

    “But, it was the normal process of sending in your audition tape and basically pitching yourself on why you would be a great fit for the show and hopefully they would call you back for interviews.”

    With so many physical challenges and a 100 mile walk , one would think of the physical component. Wanting to know what if any special tests trekkers are subject to Punkin stated:

    “We had to get physicals done by our doctors to show that we are medically fit to do what is required of us for the show. They made sure everyone was in good physical and cardiac condition. After all they were throwing people with no climbing experience on the mountain.”

    Although the trekkers had to have some trust in each other to complete their mission, bonds were formed that go beyond the show. We asked Jackson who her people were on the show and after the show.

    “On the show I was close with Beckylee, extremely close with Geoff although that was short lived with his time on the mountain. Towards the end, myself and Therron became REALLY close.”

    “Therron is the person I talk to almost every day since leaving the mountain. I’m so blessed to have met him. I also talk to Geoff, Pati, and Beckylee often. ”

    As with any reality show, alliances can be helpful at different points in the game. Jackson told us her thought process on who she could build alliances with.

    “For me it wasn’t that hard. I like to think I’m a good judge of character. In the beginning, everyone was so excited to start this journey and people were doing A LOT of talking.”

    Punkin Jackson Talks Of Building Alliances

    ” I’m more quiet when I first meet someone and I kept that same energy on the mountain. I was super excited to be there as well but I wanted to make sure I did more listening than I did talking.”

    ” With that, I was able to hear people’s stories, hear their conversations with other people and I was able to pick out pretty quickly the genuine people from the people there just for the show and would do whatever it took to win.”

    ” My intuition was pretty spot on. That’s why it was so easy for myself and Geoff to form a bond and trust so quickly.”

    As with Therron Punkin was willing to share her thoughts on any hopefuls who want to apply and be ready for what the show will throw at you. Giving us the following advice:

    “If there’s a season 2 and you apply, BE READY! The element of surprise is now gone so you will know what you’re signing up for. Prepare yourself mentally and physically.”

    Hinting “The stair master will be your best friend. LOL If you’re going to do it, go ALL IN don’t half ass it. Push yourself and never give up on yourself.”

    ” Your mind is your greatest battle/obstacle and if you can conquer that you can conquer anything physically that is thrown at you. You got this! ”

    The main mission was to make it to the Summit in 14 days. Only 3 out of the 16 made it! On being one of the winners  Punkin Jackson shared her feelings and thoughts on being crowned 1 of 3 winners on season 1 of The Summit.

    “The feeling of reaching the summit was so surreal. It was one of the best feelings in the world. All the hard work, sleepless nights, and mental exhaustion, all paid off. My dreams of helping my family, starting my own family with my wife were all coming true.”

    , Exclusive, Talks The Summit and Goals

    ” I had the feeling of accomplishment, because I did this for more than just myself. I did this for all the little boys and girls that look like me because representation matters. It’s easier to see yourself accomplishing things and conquering your fears and goals in someone that looks like you.”

    ” So, it was VERY important to me to be that positive representation for my community. I did exactly what I set out to do and that was to reach the summit. Now I stand as one of the winners of the very first season of The Summit! How crazy is that?!”

    ” Also, a thought that crossed my mind was that it was going to be REALLY nice to have a hot shower after all of these days of not showering! LOL ”

    We, at The Reality Times, want to Thank Punkin Jackson first for talking with us but more importantly for her continuing service to our country. We wish her all the best in her future endeavors.

    Photo Credits: Punkin Jackson

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