Jury starts with Quinn Martin BB26
After a week of first, the jury for Big Brother 26 has finally started. The jury will be made up of 7 evicted houseguests. From the shortest OTEV Competition to no Julie Chen Moonves on Live Eviction night; the week goes in the history books.
Quinn Martin left the Big Brother 26 house by a vote of 4-2.
Leah and Angela were his only two votes to stay. His journey in the house was rocky at times to say the least. He was willing to lie, stab and betray his way to the top.
From winning an upgrade on night one, having America vote him on the block, as well as, belonging to several alliances and having 6 Final 2 Deals; his road was rocky to say the least.
Quinn used his ‘Deep Fake HOH’ during Angela’s second HOH reign in week 4. With one of his Pentagon Alliance members volunteering to go on the block, he thought of an easy week.
Winning HOH in week 7, Quinn set his eyes on Angela as his target. One of his closest allies in Leah won POV. She thought Angela was good for her game so down Angela came. Quinn named a replacement nom in Joseph.
One would think after one of his alliance members and closest ally Cedric left on his ‘Deep Fake HOH’ Quinn would have learned his lesson. Apparently not as he replaced Angela with Joseph, another close ally who went home.
Quinn’s HOHs
Quinn’s HOHs did not look good on his resume, neither of his targets went home on his watch. He, also, developed a crush on fellow houseguest Leah. She was not interested and Friend Zoned Quinn.
During his talk with Jerry O’Connell he admitted he lied, lied and lied some more to everyone in the house. He also stated “I am confused as to why Chelsie would keep a known trio in the house.”
Further into the conversation, trying to make light of his eviction, Quinn pulled a bracelet out of his pocket saying “I should have used my immunity idol, instead I left with it in my pocket.”
As far as Makensy’s reason for removing Angela ( the 3rd time a VETO has been used on her) was dumb. He stated MJ thought she could control Angela in the game. Quinn asked “Have you seen Angela’s game play, she turns on everyone who saves her.”
During his talk with HOH Chelsie after he became the renom, Quinn said “I lost respect for Chelsie. If she was worried about Rubina why am I on the block? It didn’t make sense. I thought just lie to me Chelsie, I would respect that more.”
Jury Member talks upgrade
When asked about telling people about his secret upgrade Quinn stated the following “I knew I would tell everyone who became HOH that first week. I figured they would think it was smart to keep me around for protection. I didn’t want to be the first to leave.”
On ratting out ‘The Pentagon Alliance’ he admits that was a miscalculation on his part. He honestly thought that T’Kor and Kimo liked him as much as he liked them. On forming ‘The Underdogs with Rubina and Tucker he thought it was a great move.
On all the alliances and Final 2 deals Quinn had; he assumed he was a genius and playing a good game. He didn’t think far enough ahead to realize people will and do talk. Having Tucker call him out as the best player hurt his game.
Quinn thinks when Tucker did this it painted a very large target on his back. In his words “I felt like that statement left me open to the vultures ( BB26 houseguests).” What did you think of his game play?
Will Quinn be a bitter juror? or Will he vote for the best player in the game? Only time will tell.
Photo Credits: Paramount Plus and CBS