Thursday, February 27, 2025

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    Tucker Takes Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    Tucker Takes Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    All weekend live feeders watched as Tucker speculated on how he should play the power of Veto. Tucker was the HOH… And veto winner this week!

    He made the decision to use the veto on Quinn..  replacing Quinn with Chelsie.


    Tucker Takes Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    Tucker explains that it  feels like Chelsie and Brooklyn are running things on the other side of the house. By doing this Tucker is drawing the line in the sand.

    Brooklyn is mad at Quinn. She feels like his actions have been very calculated. Brooklyn stated he sat up and cried in her face when he knew that he had a deal with Tucker.

     Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    Chelsie and Brooklyn are trying to explain to Rubina why they made the decision to vote her the house last week. This is a turn on how nasty they were treating her during eviction night when she tried to campaign to her.

    Tucker Takes Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    Overall they are upset at both Joseph and Quinn for exposing their alliance to the HOH. Quinn let’s Chelsie know that he did that because he felt like he was at the bottom of their alliance. Chelsie tells him he should have said something

    Quinn let Chelsie know that he felt like speaking up on the way he felt would have solidified him being at the bottom.

     Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    Tucker explains his move

    He explains the ins and outs of the collection to MJ. Tucker tells her that no one has been willing to work with him. He tells her that he doesn’t plan on making next week. He thinks he’ll go home  next week or during the double if no one he’s aligned with wins HOH.

    Tucker  rats out everyone to MJ,  telling her that Brooklyn wanted him to use the veto to save her and replace her with MJ. Tucker let’s MJ know that Brooklyn has ratted out everyone she was supposed to be close with in the house.

    On the other side of the house T’Kor and Chelsie are talking. Chelsie is telling her that it’s frustrating that she’s getting blamed for things she was brought into. She is letting T’Kor know that she’s not a part of any final two deals. Chelsie states her that she’s even turned some offers.

    Tucker Takes Aim At Targets At Veto Ceremony

    T’Kor let’s her know that she’s good with her. She compliments her on the way she reacted to them flipping the vote. Letting Chelsie know that she didn’t blow up or get nasty with them and she appreciates that.

    Welp! It is looking like Tucker plans to keep the house in chaos! He has us expecting the unexpected!!!! Kudos to him!

    Photo Credits: Paramount Plus

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