Jun Song was the winner of Big Brother 4. Over the years she has weighed in on the season, the houseguests and some of the controversies that have happened. She recently stated in an interview she might consider playing again.

As a single parent Jun Song knows hardships and the struggles that life has a way of throwing at you. Most she has been able to overcome on her own. Recently her son Noah had a lengthy stay in the ICU. He was diagnosed with Bacterial Meningitis.
“October and November 2023 have been what nightmares are made of, literally for me and Noah.” Jun wrote in her go fund me fundraiser.

Jun Song explains “We thought Noah had the flu. But it turned out to be mycoplasma pneumonia that evolved into meningitis.” As parents know seeing your child in a hospital nevermind the ICU unconscious; not knowing if they will wake up or have brain damage is something no parent would wish on anyone.
Jun found herself depleting her savings to pay her 20% co-pay for an 11 day stay in the ICU. She made the decision to start a go fund me for help to pay the mounting hospital bills. She titled her go fund me “Trying To Forget the Worse Nightmare’
Jun Song ended her plea for help stating ” I’m not good at asking for help. It’s usually me helping others. But I humbly ask for any and all help from anyone I have touched in some way over the years.”
As you can see from the above Go Fund Me Jun Song met her goal and has suspended her plea for help. Once again Big Brother fans, alumni, and friends have answered her request for help.
Photo Credits: YouTube and Twitter.